
Process dialogs are deprecated and will be removed by December 1, 2020. Until that day. Did your company have replacement options?

With some keywords on Google: dynamics crm 365 cds dialog you found:


You are a Dynamics 365/CDS developer. How you build your FetchXML string in JavaScript/C# code?

Are you use the function: Download Fetch XML in the Advanced Find window?

Advanced Find

Wow, look like you have a lot of tasks :cold_sweat: after you Download Fetch XML

  • Open the xml file with the text editor
  • Find " and Replace with
  • Edit, join to make a correct string, also with a dynamic parameter
  • …..

Instead click the button Download Fetch XML in the Advanced Find window, you can click the button View FetchXML near it by install the solution View-FetchXML

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Dynamics 365 Online S2S Authentication - Full Explain

Server-to-Server (S2S) authentication (only support Dynamics 365 online) was great, it use ClientId/SecretKey to authentication (instead use UserName/Password) and it use without Dynamics 365 license.

But everybody have problem when use CllientId/SecretKey, the main problem is HTTP Error 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied

I headache this problem more than 3 days, and now, I succeed authentication with ClientId/SecretKey.

This post I will fully explain you how I can achieve it.

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