
Process dialogs are deprecated and will be removed by December 1, 2020. Until that day. Did your company have replacement options?

With some keywords on Google: dynamics crm 365 cds dialog you found:


You are a Dynamics 365/CDS developer. How you build your FetchXML string in JavaScript/C# code?

Are you use the function: Download Fetch XML in the Advanced Find window?

Advanced Find

Wow, look like you have a lot of tasks :cold_sweat: after you Download Fetch XML

  • Open the xml file with the text editor
  • Find " and Replace with
  • Edit, join to make a correct string, also with a dynamic parameter
  • …..

Instead click the button Download Fetch XML in the Advanced Find window, you can click the button View FetchXML near it by install the solution View-FetchXML

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Hide Next Stage, Set Active, Back Button in the Business Process Flows

I have a requirement in my current project that hide Next Stage, Set Active and Back button in the Business Process Flows

To do that, I used an UnSupported code code below

function hideBPFButton() {
    window.addEventListener("resize", hideBPFButtons);;

function hideBPFButtons() {
    var dom = (Xrm == undefined || Xrm.Internal == undefined || Xrm.Internal.isTurboForm() == undefined || Xrm.Internal.isTurboForm() == false) ? document : parent.document;
    $("#stageSetActiveActionContainer", dom).remove();
    $("#stageBackActionContainer", dom).remove();
    $("#stageNavigateActionContainer", dom).remove();
    setTimeout(function () { $("#processStagesContainer", dom).width(1894); }, 50);

In the form OnLoad, call function


Before apply code

Before apply code

After apply code

After apply code

How to code: change stage, set active

  • Client side: check and Xrm.Page.ui.process
  • Server side: reference 3 fields: processid, stageid and traversedpath: in the entity record

The following code query processid by Process Name in the entity workflow

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